Welcome to Verso! Are you ready to create an elegant, user-friendly resource library? It's time to display and share your content with everyone - from clients to students to colleagues and more. Store and present PDF documents all in one place, and keep them further organized in libraries, shelves, and collections, making them easily accessible to your readers.
Think of the administrative dashboard as your headquarters, with all the tools you'll need to personalize your Verso library. Here you can customize color schemes, add titles, and create descriptions for your library's homepage.
Brand Image
Add a brand image from the dashboard. The brand image will appear on the left side of your homepage and be the first thing a visitor sees.
Brand Color
Use the color wheel to choose the shade for panel backgrounds inside your libraries. Keep it consistent with your logo color, or use a complementary hue to make things exciting.
Brand Image
Add a brand image from the dashboard. The brand image will appear on the left side of your homepage and be the first thing a visitor sees.
Brand Color
Use the color wheel to choose the shade for panel backgrounds inside your libraries. Keep it consistent with your logo color, or use a complementary hue to make things exciting.
Add a company logo from the dashboard. The large logo appears on the top of Verso pages on desktop and tablet browsers and the small logo will be used internally and as a tab icon.
External Links
Link your viewers to pages on your home website by setting external links from the dashboard (e.g. a privacy statement, terms and conditions, etc.).
Build your resource center from the bottom up by adding libraries and shelves to your Verso page. Later you can sort documents into these categories to streamline the experience for your viewers.
Library Title
Every Verso Library needs a name! Whatever you choose will be displayed on the left of the library homepage.
Example: Fern's Bakery Recipe Box
Add a Library
Select the "Library" tab from the left sidebar and click the "+ Add Library" button. You can then name your library and customize the privacy settings. You can edit this information at any time by going back to the "Library" screen and clicking the edit button.
Edit a Library
To edit your library's name, privacy setting, or description, go to the "Library" screen and click the "Edit" button that corresponds to the library you would like to update.
Unique Identifier (UID)
The UID is simply a 32bit unique set of characters that represent a library when it is initially converted. You can change this after a library is created.
Library Description
Let viewers know what documents they can find in your library by giving it a description. The description will appear on the homepage and inside the library.
Example: Can't make it to the bakery? Try Fern's world-famous recipes at home. If you're a cooking class student, find practice recipes here to hone your skills.
Delete a Library
Sometimes, you have to let one go. If you need to delete a library, go to the "Library" tab from the left sidebar and click the "Delete" button that corresponds to the library you would like to delete. Fair warning: this action cannot be undone. Once you delete a library (or a shelf or a document), that data is gone forever.
Follow a Library (Pro)
On the front end of things, your viewers can follow libraries to stay up-to-date on available content. On the public homepage, click the "follow" button to the right of the library title to follow the library.
Privacy Settings (Pro)
Manage the privacy setting for your library. Select "Private" and add a password to restrict access to those with the password, or select "Public" to make your library available to everyone.
Group documents into shelves based on a subject or theme to further organize individual libraries. The shelves will be listed in each library, as well as in the library panel.
Add a Shelf
Select the library from the "Library" page. Click the "+ Add Shelf" button in the top left corner to add a shelf to that library. You can name the shelf and add documents to it from this screen.
- Example: Family Heirlooms
Delete a Shelf
Just like deleting a library, click the "Delete" button on the right side of a shelf name.
Edit a Shelf
Inside a library you'll find a list of its shelves. Edit basic shelf information by clicking the "Edit" button directly to the right of the shelf name.
Add a document
Double-click the "Upload" button to the right of the shelf name to add files from your computer, or drag-and-drop a PDF from your desktop.
Assign a document to a shelf
From the "Documents" tab, click "Edit" next to the document you want to shelve to make sure it ends up in the right place.
Edit a document
Once you have uploaded a document, you can edit that document's title and placement by selecting it from the "Documents" tab in the left sidebar. From this screen, you can rename the document, assign it to a different library and shelf, and edit the form options.
Use social media links, chat windows, and email to keep in touch with your viewers.
User Profiles
Users can create a profile in order to favorite documents and build their own collections.
Stay Connected
Viewers can send an email to your team from the site to get more information about a product, ask a question about a document, or just say hi.
Social Media
Link viewers directly to your Twitter and Facebook from the Dashboard.
Use the chat tool, powered by Olark, to connect users to one of your team members and keep the conversation going. Out of the office? No problem! Viewers can leave a message for your team and you can respond later via email.